Hello from LiFE....!!

The last few days have been those of some extreme highs and lows !! ....There have been moments ....When i felt on top of the world(more on this in my next post ;) ) ,when i was all emotional while i put on those Rakhis ,when i felt soo crushed deep inside that i ll never get over it , when i felt that maybe what every1 around me has been telling me ..(that i've fallen in love ? :O ) could be very well true, when i felt totally worthless and soo lone that i wished i could run away ,when i lost my calm over something as silly as someone calling me "bhaiyya !!!" ...when i felt that i was indeed the luckiest guy in the whole world ..!!when i realised that the joy of giving will always overpower any amount of happiness that any gift may ever bring me ...!!..when i realised that there were soo many people out there who were soo much less fortunate than me to lead the kinda life i m living ..when i laughed until my stomach actually started hurting ...when i realised it was finally time to reclaim myself...!!

As i look back at everything .....one thing that comes out concretely is the misconception about my belief that if we carefully set out our direction, and follow through with precise predetermined action.... we will end up exactly where we planned to be....However, we do not know what tomorrow, the next week or the next twenty years will bring...

This reminds me of an old joke “Do you want to hear God laugh?” The answer is “Just tell her/him you have a plan.”

As i contrast myself and my life at the moment to my past ..there are hardly any similarities !! I 've always been an extremist and a (striving !) perfectionist ...But today i feel that our greatest resiliency and strength can come from our ability to be open, curious and delighted by the unexpected. Surprises “out of the blue” sometimes challenge us to revise, redefine and question our beliefs, convictions, and our view of the world ...
Arghh ...lets cut it here ...before it drifts into what i (and others !) term ..."Useless philosphy" :P ...Adios for now ...have a great day ahead ! [:)] ...Shall be back with a few surprises in the next post ...!! :D


lukkydivz said...

The joy of giving will always overpower any amount of happiness that any gift may ever bring, I believe the same.

You career must be going guns…congratulations on all those highs!
You are the luckiest guy on earth manish, no doubts about that.

U in love? Congos again.
Takecare :)

Manish said...

cant agree more ...!!![:)] ...[except the love thingy :P ]